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Multifractal Volatility: Theory Estimation and Forecasting by Calvet, Laurent E., Fisher,... ISBN: 9780121500139 List Price: $78.95
Rhetoric in Antiquity by Pernot, Laurent, Higgins, W... ISBN: 9780813214078 List Price: $29.95
Elmo's Big Word Book by Nelson, Mary Beth, Linn, La... ISBN: 9780873589062 List Price: $6.95
Spirituality and World Religions A Comparative Introduction by Saint-Laurent, George E. ISBN: 9781559349628 List Price: $54.88
Catholic Spirituality in Focus Eight Themes of Mind and Heart by Saint-Laurent, George E., S... ISBN: 9781557788658 List Price: $12.95
Los Mayas (Spanish Edition) by Sandra E. Garibay Laurent ISBN: 9789689120308 List Price: $3.95
The Doorbell of Forgiveness by Don E Stevens, Laurent C We... ISBN: 9780952509752 List Price: $19.95
The nine books of the History of Herodotus, translated from the text of ... T. Gaisford. Wit... by Herodotus, Peter Edmund Lau... ISBN: 9781241441364 List Price: $39.75
Wilford D. Carter, Petitioner, v. L. E. Hawsey, Jr., Judge, 14th Judicial District Court of ... by ANTOINE Z LAURENT, JAMES R ... ISBN: 9781270691464 List Price: $33.99
Lettres Sur L'Italie, Faisant Suite Aux Lettres Sur la Mor�e, L'Hellespont et Constantinople by Castellan, Antoine Laurent ISBN: 9781277016109 List Price: $34.75
Lettres Sur L'Italie, Faisant Suite Aux Lettres Sur la Mor�e, L'Hellespont et Constantinople by Castellan, Antoine Laurent ISBN: 9781277195255 List Price: $34.75
Essai Sur les Cryptogames des �corces Exotiques Officinales : Pr�c�d� d'une M�thode Lich�nog... by Antoine Laurent Apollinaire... ISBN: 9781277364415 List Price: $28.75
Lettres d'Italie, Faisant Suite Aux Lettres Sur la Mor�e, l'Hellespont et Constantinople by Castellan, Antoine Laurent ISBN: 9781277460636 List Price: $34.75
Revue des Com�diens, Ou Critique Raisonn�e de Tous les Acteurs, Danseurs et Mimes de la Capi... by Alexandre-Balthazar-Laurent... ISBN: 9781277739626 List Price: $24.75
Lettres Sur L'Italie : Faisant Suite Aux Lettres Sur la Mor�e, L'hellespont et Constantinopl... by Castellan, Antoine Laurent ISBN: 9781276360968 List Price: $34.75
History of Quebec : Its Resources and People by Sulte, Benjamin, C. E. Frye... ISBN: 9781178762556 List Price: $41.75
Crummies Creek Coal Co v. Carrs Fork Coal Co U.S. Supreme Court Transcript of Record with Su... by JOSEPH S LAURENT, FRANK E WOOD ISBN: 9781270247296 List Price: $30.99
Non Lin�arit� Parfaite G�n�ralis�e Au Sens des Actions de Groupe by Poinsot, Laurent ISBN: 9786131504242 List Price: $91.00
Tol�rance Religieuse R�invent�e by Bouchard, Laurent ISBN: 9786131519468 List Price: $139.00
Contribution � l'�tude de la Dur�e de Vie des Assemblages de Puissance by Dupont, Laurent ISBN: 9786131522161 List Price: $76.00
Electroreceptors and Other Specialized Receptors in Lower Vertrebrates (Handbook of Sensory ... by T.H. Bullock, A. Fessard, R... ISBN: 9783642659287 List Price: $129.00
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